Be Active members of the Church – Bishop Kalumba tells Religious Men

The Rt. Rev. Valentine Kalumba, OMI encouraged religious men in the Diocese of Livingstone, to take an active role in the life of the Church. Speaking when he addressed the congregation gathered at St. Theresa’s Cathedral of Livingstone, Zambia, on Saturday 9th February, the Bishop asked: “Where is ARMZ (Association of Religious Men in Zambia)?” The local ordinary noted the conspicuous lack of participation of among religious men, during the Mass held to commemorate the World Day for consecrated Men and Women. The Bishop observed that only ZAS (Zambia Association of Sisterhood) took a leading role during the Mass.
The Bishop equally challenged all the Religious – Women and Men, to exhibit unity. “Surprise us. Meet as one family”, directed the Bishop to the religious men and women.
It is the Bishop’s desire to see an increased collaboration among religious in the Diocese. “When are we going to see ZAS, ARMZ and AZADCC together?, the Bishop asked. “It is not enough to just meet once during this Mass for Consecrated Life”, continued the Bishop. He therefore encouraged them to regularly meet not only for Mass but for social interactions as well. “It is not enough to meet just once in a year. You could perhaps gather even for social sharing twice or thrice a year”.
Still speaking to the religious, the Bishop drew their attention to his Episcopal Motto: “That they may be one”, stating that once the consecrated men and women work together, they would delight him, since they would be fulfilling his vision for the Diocese, of having every one united.
Addressing the the faithful during the homily, centered on the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple (Luke 2: 22 – 40), the Bishop reminded the people of God, about the significance of the feast. “The presentation of the Lord, reminds us that there is a gift to be presented”, stated the Bishop. He particularly called on the assembly to present the Lord Jesus to others. “The Lord is a present to be given to others”, recalled the Local Ordinary. This year in the Diocese, the Mass for the Consecrated Life in the Diocese was moved from 2nd February to 9th February. 2nd February was reserved for the launch of the Diocesan Year of Young People, Vocation Discernment and Mission.