St. Arnold Mwandi Mission is one of the two parishes (St. Francis – Dambwa and St. Arnold Mwandi) within the Diocese of Livingstone where SVD Confreres are working. Currently there are two Priests for Mwandi.

Mwandi Parish is located 140 km west of Livingstone town. It was one of the Outstations of St Kizito Parish Sesheke.

The mission is named and dedicated to St. Arnold Janssen – the Founder of three Congregations namely SVD, SSpS and SSpS AP.

This parish was officiated by His Lordship Raymond Mpezele, on 26 July 2003.

The parish caters for 10 Community Centers; Mwandi as the Center and 9 Outstations, namely St. Linus Mabumbu, St. John Simungoma, St. Peter Lipumpu, St. Dominic Mutuwapafa, St. Joseph Lwazamba, St. Francis Lutaba, Jude Sankolonga and St. Joseph Situlu .

These Community Centers are scattered within the whole Mwandi Constituency. And the Catholic Population of the Parish by now is 1560 (Parish Census 2009) out of about 28000 the total population of this area.

The mission in general, though there is growth is slow but sure. The catholic population as stated above is 1560 compared to 1081 when we started the mission.

When started, we took about 7 months (arrival here on 24 January 2003) being here in the place for needed physical, social and spiritual preparations before the official commencement of being a Parish. Within this time, we worked out the survey to the area.

Beside some work on the needed infra-structure to be in place, the Priest with an ad hock parish Pastoral Team toured the whole Community Centers to see to the pastoral situation; what was there e.g. the opportunities/possibilities also its treats and challenges.

And after the official opening, we committed ourselves onto the initial pastoral works among them we look into leadership formation inclusive of skill trainings, the ordinary spiritual maintenance but most importantly, we set up 3 sizeable committees on spiritual, Social and Development and commenced them to do further research on where to start and how to go about.

This exercise took them about 8 months after which the first parish assembly was called upon to discuss the findings.

On this mentioned assembly, the representatives discussed at length the draft document which was produced by the 3 Committees. The assembly then came up with a fine document for the Parish as Pastoral Priorities to guide the Pastoral work of the parish within the given period.

The Document of the Parish on a 3 Year Strategic Plans and renewable Pastoral Program suggested 3 priorities to be looked into; firstly Sacramental life (Spiritual aspect), secondly, on HIV/AIDS and Sustainable Development (Social, culture and economic aspects)   and thirdly, Community Development (the infra-structure).

Each priority has its own vision and goals (mission) to be accomplished within the given period of three years. This pastoral program was evaluated in April 2007 and with the given results, the Parish then guided into new era of another 3 years pastoral commitments.

Inspire of the difficulties and failures, a lot has been done and accomplished. On spiritual line, Catechetical and leadership empowerment were among the top priorities. Many Volunteer Catechists and Liturgists for Sunday Liturgy and Funeral Leaders and Preachers were trained and also their spiritual life being regularly nursed/maintained with ongoing designed spiritual formation. Also, guided by the diocesan Policy on leadership, we run elections of the parish at different levels; SCCs, church and Zone, leadership.  Furthermore, we empower them with a designed formation programs on skills and ongoing spiritual.

On Social, Cultural and Economic undertakings, the parish works hand in hand with the Diocesan Development Department which is now called CARITAS Office embarking on the issues of prevention and care of HIV/AIDS disease, by establishment of TEMOGI (Teenage Mothers and drop out Girls) and HBC (Home Based Care) in early 2005.

We also embark on programs of Option for the Poor by establishing an Agricultural and Rural Development Center in Lutaba in August 2004.

This mentioned center is situated up north-western, about 60 Km away from Mwandi. To better infra-structure, a multi-purpose Hall was constructed in early 2009 and well furnished last before being blessed by His Lordship Raymond Mpezele, the Bishop of Livingstone on 6 Sept 2009. This Hall accommodates all the integral pastoral and rural development activities.

Being such a center whereby it accommodates various activities for Diocesan and Parish Level, Lutaba then became a sub parish for Mwandi. This is so for pastoral reasons, to foster better pastoral service, e.g. to intensify an integral spiritual, social and economic activities there where the deep rural communities are.

Among other things, this center is currently running a program called CMDRR (Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction). This program is all about educating the rural Communities on issues of concerns; Climate change, Sustainable Agriculture with an approach of respect and

Friendly environment, Culture and Family life values, Justice and Peace, also towards the creation of a resiliency life and living.

While on Infra-structure, we have succeeded among them are these following projects:

–          Electrification of the Parish House and the Church in April 2003.

–          Construction of a semi-permanent church for Mabumbu, in 2004

–          Construction of grass-thatched houses for Priest and Care Takers in 7 Outstations; Lutaba and Simungoma in 2003, Mabumbu and Lwazamba in 2004, Mutuwapafa in 2006, Situlu and Sankolonga in 2008.

–          A fine renovation works on two permanent Churches for Mwandi in 2003 and Lipumpu was done in 2005.

–          Drilled a Borehole and putting up good running water system at Mwandi in October 2005.

–          Construction of a Multi-purpose Hall at Mwandi in 2005 which was well furnished and being blessed on 23 July 2006.

–          Construction of Parish Ablution Block and Garage in Mwandi in 2005

–          Construction of a Multi-purpose Hall for the Agriculture and Rural Development Center in Lutaba in 2009 and being officiated and blessed by His Lordship Raymond Mpezele, the Bishop of Livingstone Diocese on 6th. Sept 2009

–          Drilled a Borehole at Lutaba and installation of Hand Pump in June 2009.

All of these have been succeeded with the good cooperation of parishioners, moral support of Bishop of Livingstone and financial help from different Benefactors through SVD, Overseas Funding Agencies and Individual Families efforts with their generosity of life giving faith.

Thanks to the leadership of the Parish at all levels and parishioners for the good cooperation and spirit of service from the start of the mission till now.

Contact Address: 

St. Arnold Catholic Mission Mwandi

P.O. Box 60090

Livingstone – Zambia
