Show Commitment to Programs – Bishop Kalumba challenges Local Clergy
The Rt. Rev. Valentine Kalumba, OMI challenged the local priests of the Diocese of Livingstone, to take keen interest into the affairs of the Association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC). The Bishop appealed to the the Diocesan Priests to show commitment to the programs of the association. “Show commitment to the programs. Do not leave the organization of AZADCC to the Executive alone”, implored the Bishop.

In another development, Fr. Imasiku Ngalama, President of AZADCC Livingstone, expressed his gratitude to the Bishop, for having allowed the Association to launch the beginning of Golden Jubilee Celebrations at the local level in Livingstone. Fr. Ngalama thanked the Bishop for his closeness to the Association. “We thank the Bishop of Livingstone for his fatherly support, and presence to us, and his acceptance to launch the Golden Jubilee of AZADCC”. The local president of AZADCC also acknowledged the religious and the lay faithful for their prayers and support to the Diocesan priests.
This year, the local Church in Zambia commemorates the Golden Jubilee of the existence of AZADCC, which was founded in 1969. Each member association, present in all the dioceses of Zambia celebrates the Golden Jubilee. The climax of the celebrations will be held in August in Solwezi.