Bishop Valentine Kalumba, OMI, has called on the people of Livingstone, to be more humane and supportive as they interact with clergy in the diocese. “Keep praying for our priests. It’s not easy. Sometimes we may think that they are like machines, they don’t have feelings. We sometimes say things which are not palatable. But they are human beings, they come from families. So think about them as human beings. They need to be appreciated. Today I have been empathizing on praying for them and thanking them ….so we thank them, they have been very good”.

Still addressing the lay faithful, who have embraced and supported their clergy in the new evangelisation milieu, the Bishop had this so say: “I thank the generous people of faith, who have taken up the new challenge. You people have been supportive to these priests, in these challenging moments. We thank you and I say keep it up”.
The laity were equally implored to be obedient to their pastors. “wherever there are they are [priests] it is an extension of my presence. So if you listen to the priest, you listen to me, you listen to the one who has sent us. So that is the way it is. So thank you for the good works you are doing, addressed the Bishop.
The priests serving in the Diocese have been challenged to be creative in their work as Ministers of the Word of God. In a fast changing and challenging pastoral field, the Bishop exhorted the clergy: “You are sent you priests to preach. So that the people of God may believe. …….so with or without Covid-19, the Good News must reach the poor of Yahweh. We therefore, encourage our priests to be extra creative, in trying to bring the Good News to the poor , especially in these restrictive and challenging moments. Be creative in your ministry, you priests of God. I thank the dedicated priests for all the creative work they have been doing, for loving their people in these challenging circumstances”.
Bishop Kalumba personally recognized the individual pastoral service and dedication of the priests in the diocese. He further thanked Fr. Boris Dabo, a Fidei Donum priest from the Diocese of Krk in Croatia for the donation of the white chasubles, used for the first time in the diocese of Livingstone. “Fr. Boris thank you for what you have done” stated the elated Bishop.
The Bishop of Livingstone said the above during this year’s Chrism Mass was held on Thursday 2nd July at St. Theresa’s Cathedral, Livingstone. The Mass was largely attended by a selected number of the parishioners around Livingstone and the nearby areas due to the corona-virus disease.
We thank God for the selfless priests we have in our diocese