Front Panoramic View of St. Kizito’s Catholic Church
St. Kizito’s Parish was established in 1970 by the Capuchin fathers. It is situated 196 km west of Livingstone town. The Parish is currently run by the Diocesan Priests.
The Parish has five (5) outstations namely Katongo, Sawmills, Maondo, N’ambwe and Lusinina.
There are two (2) Masses on Sundays. The first Mass is at 07:00 Hours which is in celebrated in English. The second Mass is at 09:00 Hours which is in Silozi.
The population of Sesheke is on the increase and this has led to rise in the number of Catholics.
The Parish has the following Lay Groups: Nazareth, Catholic Women’s League, Legio of Mary, and Saint Anne’s Women Organization. The following are the ministries that exist in the Parish: CCJP, Youth, Liturgy, Catechetical, Altar Boys and Home Based Care.
Home Based Care is strong and all the members are committed to their duties of looking after the sick people. These members are volunteers who at times provide some necessities to the people they take care of using their own resources.
The group of Holy Childhood is growing and children have taken kin interest in learning
about their faith. In this view Mission Animators are trained through workshops so that they journey with the children as they grow.