Left: Sr. Francis Matongo, Lssf.
Right: Sr. Namasiku Mutonga, Lssf
Both come from Njoko Mission
Njoko Parish was opened on 1st January, 2011 and parish received the name of St. Mary’s Parish because of the feast of the Mary Mother of God celebrated on that day.
The new mission was established with view of evangelizing the area along rivers of Njoko, Nangombe, Lumbe and Luampungu as well as an area along the Zambezi River on the East bank. This vast area was not yet evangelized and there was no Catholic Community apart from Njoko Malomo Outstation which was on the outskirts of Sesheke Parish.
The challenge was to establish a center from where to go on evangelizing trips and establish new communities. The challenge was even greater since some other churches had already influenced the population in the scattered villages.
But with the help and cooperation of the mission pastoral team, seven new outstations have been established. They now need continuous pastoral care as well as missionary expansion to new areas.
Traditional Catholic involvement in Health and education has been maintained by opening a Rural Health Centre at the Njoko Mission staffed with 3 GRZ employees. The Mission is also supporting a number of community schools and has trained and employed teacher animators who help both the school and the church in the area.
The opportunities for further pastoral and other development are many and it would help if there were more priest and religious forces in the place.
CONTACT ADDRESS: Njoko Mission, P.O. BOX 129, Sesheke, Zambia