Fr. Felix Francis Sivwimi facing the congregation soon after his ordination to the Priesthood
Bishop Valentine Kalumba, OMI, has described the ordination of Deacon Felix Francis Sivwimi to priesthood as an act of God’s intervention. Addressing the Diocese through his homily, the Bishop stated that, “your prayers have been answered, the Lord of harvest is sending a worker into his vineyard. And this man, your son, your brother, your family member and your friend, has responded to the call that Jesus has given to him. He will minister with his authority and his power.”
The local ordinary also called upon the Deacon Felix to take seriously the mandate he was to be given as a priest. As a priest, he was reminded of the threefold task he would take in the ministry: to teach, sanctify and to govern.
After his ordination to the priesthood, Fr. Felix Sivwimi, addressed the congregation. He thanked everyone present. He equally extended his gratitude to all who supported him during his formation.
The ordination of Deacon Felix Francis Sivwimi took place on Saturday, 30th June, 2018 at Christ the King Parish, Maramba, Livingstone. This is the first deacon Bishop Valentine Kalumba has ordained to the Priesthood since he took over the running of the Diocese of Livingstone on 3rd September, 2016.