L – R: Br. Remmy Chongo, OFM Cap., Br. Hilary Mubanga, OFM Cap., Rt. Rev. Raymond Mpezele, Bishop Emeritus of Livingstone, Br. Ackim Munsaka, OFM Cap. and Br. Augustine Mwape, OFM Cap., Capuchin Custos for Zambia.
Rt. Rev. Raymond Mpezele, Bishop Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone, ordained as deacons, three scholastics belonging to the Capuchin Order in Zambia. The three ordained were: Brother Ackim Munska, OFM Cap., Brother Remmy Chongo,OFM Cap. and Brother Hilary Mulenga, OFM Cap.
The Ordination ceremony, that took place at Our Lady of Angels Church, Livingstone, was witnessed by the faithful drawn from Livingstone. The colourful ordination event took place on Saturday, 4th August, 2018 on the Feast day of St. Jean Marie Vianney, Patron of all Priests.