Group photo of those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation and commissioned as Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.
Fr. Clifford Mulasikwanda, Acting Vicar General, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 17 youths of Holy Childhood Parish, Makunka on Sunday, 19th September 2018. Addressing the youth before their confirmation, he stressed the importance of the sacrament they were to receive. “This is an important sacrament because it makes you mature in faith”, stated the Bishop’s delegate. He further went on to state that as mature Christians, the youth were called to carry out their obligation of serving God, the Church and the world at large. “As confirmed children of God, ensure that you carry out your duties of serving God through prayer. See to it that you work for the the Church by supporting the work of Evangelisation. It is also your duty to take care of those in need through works of mercy” continued the Reverend Priest.
During the same Confirmation Mass, the Acting Vicar General commissioned 12 adults as Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, drawn from all the centers of the parish. He implored those chosen to that office, to become what they do as they distribute Holy Communion in the church and to the sick. “As Extra Ordinary ministers of the Eucharist, see to it that you keep the command of our Lord, who instructed us to love one another”. He equally called on the new ministers to lead an exemplary Christian life. Fr. Clifford stated that, “this is not an easy ministry. As such, lead a life of witness to your brothers and sisters. Conduct yourselves in the manner befitting a Eucharistic Minister. Don’t do anything that will make your service to the church difficult”.
The Rt. Rev. Valentine Kalumba, OMI, delegated his Acting Vicar General to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation and to commission the Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers. The Acting Vicar General was in Holy Childhood Parish from 5th to 9th September, 2018. A number of mission outstations/centers were visited during his pastoral visit.