Sisters in Livingstone pause for a group photo at the end of Mass to mark the Diamond Jubilee anniversary of the existence of ZAS
The Zambia Association of Sisterhood (ZAS), Livingstone branch, today 29th September, 2018, celebrated their day to mark the 60th anniversary of the creation of ZAS. To honor the day, the Religious Nuns organized Holy Mass, at St. Mary’s Novitiate in Maramba – Livingstone, that was led by Fr. Clifford Mulasikwanda, the Acting Vicar General.
During his homily, the Very Reverend Father called on the Sisters to reflect on their various apostolates. “As you celebrate this day [Diamond Jubilee], this is the right moment to reflect on your past, examine the present and focus on the future,” Fr. Clifford challenged the Sisters. “What is the impact of your ministry here in Livingstone?” he continued to ask. He equally recognized the services they offer in education, health, correctional facilities, girl empowered and working with the underprivileged.
Making reference to the Holy Gospel of Mathew 5 Verses 13 to 16, the Acting Vicar General likened the Religious Sisters to Salt and Light. “You are the Salt of your communities, you are the Light of the society you are serving. Through your various ministries, you make known the works Christ, thereby making the Kingdom of God present,” continued the reflection of Fr. Clifford. In those moments when Sisters felt discouraged, and somehow burnt out, they were encouraged to utilize the services offered by ZAS, among them ongoing formation and spiritual nourishments.
The ZAS was established in 1958 with the sole purpose of taking care of the interests of Women Religious Sisters’ congregations working in Zambia. The ZAS Livingstone branch has 6 member congregations.