The Catholic Diocese of Livingstone Biblical Apostolate is concerned with making the Word of God known, understood and loved by all. Its task is to meet the hunger of people to read, study and pray the Scriptures, making the Diocese vibrant with the Word of God.

Therefore, the Year of the Word of God is a very significant event making us all aware of the vital importance of the Word, which is God’s greatest gift, the source of life and means of encountering the Lord in a personal and communal manner.
It is a well-known fact that the Bible is the soul of all the activities of the Church including Liturgy, Catechesis, Small Christian Communities, Justice and Peace as well as Evangelization.
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini said: “The Church is born from the Word of God…the word of the prophets, the word of the apostles and, finally, the written word of the Bible. Being born from the Word, the Church is renewed, she is regenerated every time she returns to the Word”.
The Year of the Word is a response of the Church to the thirst for God, felt by people and for this reason Biblical Apostolate in the Diocese of Livingstone in collaboration with all Parishes, will make an effort to place the Word of God at the center of our various activities. Among them, the following:
- Making the Bible accessible through the sale of Bibles in different languages in the respective Parishes. Each family is encouraged to have a Catholic Version of the Bible.
- Preparing and Commissioning the Lectors for various Parishes.
- Enthronement of the Bible in the Churches, the SCC and at homes as a constant invitation to “take and read” God’s Word.
- Holding Workshops and Inputs for Adults, Youth and Children to furnish the faithful with the information about the Bible, to foster biblical spirituality and ensure that the Bible pervades all forms of prayer and devotion.
- Organizing Bible quizzes and dramatization of biblical passages to make people, especially the young ones, familiar with the Bible.
- To make Biblical Programs on local Radio to reach out to the wider community of the faithful.
It was so wonderful & uplifting homily by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Valentine Kalumba OMI Bishop of the Diocese of Livingstone
It was such a well organized event and very nourishing