When the ordination date was published in the Diocesan Pastoral Calendar earlier in the year, no one knew what Saturday July 25th , 2020 would turn out to be. For certain, everyone was positive that the ordination to priesthood would take place on this day. However, no one in Livingstone knew that the set date would find itself within the context of the new corona virus global pandemic. As numbers of new cases continued to rise, especially in Lusaka, Zambia’s Capital city, the people in Livingstone became anxious as to whether the ordination would go ahead as planned. Some suggested that the event should be postponed to a later date. Yet others still proposed that the ordination goes ahead, in the context of the “new normal”, where the holding of public gatherings adhere to the set health guidelines in fighting the corona virus disease.

In this context, the Rt. Rev. Valentine Kalumba, OMI, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone, took a bold decision, to allow, the hosting of the ordination to the priesthood at Christ the King Parish, Maramba in Livingstone, on Saturday 25th July 2020. At a solemn ordination Mass, the Bishop ordained six deacons to the priesthood: two diocesans – Kalaluka Mufuzi and Luka Mukuba and four Oblates of Mary Immaculate – Chibamba Mubanga, Sidney Sakala, Paul Kunda and Nchimunya Haakakata.
Addressing the candidates for priesthood ordination, the Bishop stressed what is at the core of the priesthood in the Catholic Church.
‘Priesthood for service’
“You are being ordained to serve; you will involve yourselves now in the lives of the people entrusted to your care. Be that prudent priest…. Be that humble priest in your relationships with your co-workers: your brother priests, the religious and laymen and women.”
The Local Ordinary also emphasized that it is the duty of every priest to have a holistic approach to evangelization in the Church. As such, he timely advised the deacons of their teaching mandate.
‘Sunday homily is not enough’
“Just a homily on Sunday is not enough. You need to do more in teaching the people of God.”
The Bishop also cautioned priests against making hasty homilies.
‘Prepare well your homilies’
“You just go there [for Mass]on Sunday with a 10 minutes homily and that homily is also prepared in the sacristy when they [the choir] are singing the entrance hymn and you say that is enough?”
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the people of God are itching for the pastoral presence of their priests.
‘People’s expectations’
“A priest who, after Sunday Mass, greets as many people as he can in the Parish warmly (we hope coronavirus will end soon), taking a real interest in their joys and sorrows. …find out that one of them is sick, you visit them at home or in hospital.
“We want that kind of a priest who takes keen interest in knowing as much as possible the social evils of our present age, and actively working to correct the injustice and to help the poor.
“We want to see a prayerful priest in you. Think of being famous as well as being recognized, wherever you go, as someone whose life is dedicated to God, and do not be afraid to encourage others to come to church, and to live lives of faith and commitment.”
Aware of the economic hardships some families of priests face in the diocese, exacerbated by the novel corona virus pandemic, the Bishop took time to counsel the parents present at Mass.
‘Advice to the relatives’
“Yes these are priests …..there will be pressures from the family. Lessen that pressure, we know it is tough. Leave them to work for the church, and do your part as a family. So many messages: hakuna bupi (there is no mealie meal)….leave them work for the church. That’s why you sacrificed them to work for the Church…..they don’t get a salary, they are too poor….they will still come to you for support. So let them work, and do your part as a family.”
‘New pastoral appointments’
At the same ordination Mass, the Bishop made personnel changes in the Diocese. Fr. Paul Mubiana, first Assistant Parish Priest at the Cathedral of St. Theresa’s was transferred to Christ the King Parish, Maramba. His place has been taken by Fr. Kalaluka Mufuzi. Fr. Luke Mukuba was appointed to St. Anthony of Padua in Sioma as Parochial Vicar (Assistant Parish Priest). Fr. Bruno Hamukali has been appointed as Parochial Vicar at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Musokotwane. Fr. Theophilus Mukubesa has been appointed Parochial Vicar in two parishes of St. Mary’s Njoko and St. Paul’s Nawinda.

The ordination to priesthood held in Livingstone was the first to be held in the country during the COVID-19 era.
Congratulations to Rev Frs May ALMGHTY GOD CONTINUE Bless you in your Journey