Covid-19 pandemic didn’t stop the Biblical Ministry – Sr. Ewa

Sr. Ewa Piegdon, SSpS, highlighted the activities carried by the Diocesan Biblical Ministry in the Diocese of Livingstone, as a way of marking the celebration of the Year of the Word of God, that officially run from 18th January 2020 to 28th November 2020. The religious nun stated:
“Despite the fact that many of the programs planned for this year[of the Word of God] could not take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic, several significant biblical programs were implemented”.
Usage of Mass Communications and Social Media in Biblical apostolate
In order to beat the effects of the pandemic, during the Year of the Word of God, the Bible Ministry utilized the available tools for evangelization present in the Diocese of Livingstone. “To reach out to the wider community of the faithful, we broadcast twice a week biblical programs called Know Your Bible on Radio Musi-O-Tunya”. The ministry also took the initiative to use WhatsApp as a tool to share the Word with the people of God.
Open the Bible daily
Sister Ewa reminded the community gathered at St. Theresa’s Cathedral that the closure of the Year of the Word of God calls on the catholic faithful not to close their Bibles but to open them.
“We close officially the Year of the Word of God but do not close our Bibles. On the contrary, let’s take the Bible into our hands every single day and draw from the source of the word of life”, encouraged the Bible Ministry Coordinator.
The Centrality of the Word of God
The Reverend Sister drew the attention of the parishioners to continue making the Word of God central to their lives.
”Today, we end the Year of the Word of God in the Diocese with the hope that we have achieved our desire that there would be greater sharing of the Word of God in our families and communities. This year was a special invitation addressed to each one of us to make the word of God known, understood and loved and we hope and pray that all of us will continue to make the Word of God central to our lives”, said Sr. Ewa.
During the year of the Word of God, the Diocesan Bible Ministry held a number of initiatives to show the centrality of the Word of God. Biblical workshops and meetings for Catechizers and youths were held. Lectors, Youth leaders and Biblical animator were trained.