Let’s be concerned for one another – Bishop Kalumba

Rt. Rev. Valentine Kalumba, OMI., the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone
Bishop Valentine Kalumba, OMI., has called on the people of Livingstone to be concerned for one another by taking active measures in protecting themselves and their loved ones from contracting the corona virus.
Cognizant of the fact that many succumbed to the pandemic, the Livingstone Shepherd addressed the Diocesan Staff by stating that:
“We continue calling ourselves to be concerned about each other. Get vaccinated, wear masks and do those things that protect ourselves and others from this virus”.
The dead commended to the love and mercy of God
Aware of the ravaging negative effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Church in Livingstone, the Bishop was very sympathetic of the situation, especially of those who lost their lives during the year 2020.
“In past year, some people in our diocese contracted the virus and could not perform their duties.
“We have also grieved the loss of some members of our parishes, communities, as a result of the virus, often including friends and relatives”.
The Bishop continued:
“We mourn their loss and cherish their memory, and we commend them to the love and mercy of God”.
At Christmas the Lord comes to live among us
In the midst of the pain caused by the Covid-19 global pandemic, the Bishop gave encouraging words to the Diocesan Workers, especially that they look forward to the celebration of Christmas. The Local Ordinary stressed:
“Soon we shall be celebrating Christmas, I encourage you to find renewed hope in this time of expectation, in this time of waiting.
“In the past we have spent much time waiting, waiting, for example, for the end of the pandemic; waiting for a return to the way things were.
“We find ourselves waiting, but this time for the ultimate promise of hope.
“Together, we await the birth of our savior, the coming of our Lord to live among us and redeem us”.
Be with your loved ones
Christmas is a beautiful time, when families are called to cement their family bonds. In the light of this, the Bishop encouraged the Diocesan Staff to find time at Christmas to be with their family members.
“Enjoy your [Christmas] break with your families. For the Religious, enjoy your [Christmas] break with your communities”, said the Bishop.
You are doing something commendable
Bishop Kalumba has expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Diocesan Workers across board for their undivided commitment to the service of God in the Diocese of Livingstone.
The Bishop joyfully thanked the staff in these words:
“I want to express my ongoing gratitude and joy to you all.
“Despite the challenge of the Corona Virus, you continued showing your commitment to work.
This is something commendable”.
Annually, to mark the end of the year, the Bishop of Livingstone celebrates Mass for all Diocesan Staff, drawn from the various Diocesan Institutions of Health, Education, Social work and many others.
As per practice, there will be the opening Mass for the Church workers on 3rd January,2022 at 09.00hrs, at St. Theresa’s Cathedral, Livingstone, Zambia. It’s envisaged that the Bishop of Livingstone will be the main celebrant at the inaugural Mass.
The message is so touching and to the truth. The virus is real hence then need to councel each other and share the various Ways of protecting and joyful services to those who welcome it. Thanks my Bishop